We help our clients to land and expand - and maintain operative efficiency

To grow successfully, a company must first properly define and focus on its "profitable core". Building a Growth Plan or Growth Blueprint is a core to what we do. What are the most differentiated product/service offerings for global markets? What business capabilities do we need to execute our growth plans? 

After growth planning stage we assist our clients in Market Entry stage; e.g. analyzing which are the most potential markets and countries and which customer segments to focus on, finding suitable channel partners and alliances, validating best pre-sales and professional services support options for global operations. We also provide hands-on operational support for market entry from tailoring marketing messages and value propositions to trade show participation and initial stage sales support, and help in recruiting key positions. 

For clients that are further ahead in internationalization process we offer Growth Acceleration services, e.g. establishing presence in the new markets, moving from products to solutions and services, improving sales channel performance, teaming up with larger partners, and building better customer experience and loyalty. 

For more established clients we provide Management Consulting services e.g. finding acquisition candidates, performing business due diligence, providing company or product valuations, C-level recruiting, and acting as board professionals. 

There are many ways crossing a river ... 

There are many ways crossing a river ... 

We help you finding the right one

We help you finding the right one